If you’re on Windows and using the batch file, it will tell you to “Press any key to continue” after the process has finished. The patching process can take a long time, and xdelta doesn’t give progress updates, so it can be difficult to tell if it’s just sitting there or actually working. This issue is most likely caused by an incomplete or botched patch job. If you have this problem, please verify that the hashes/file size of the patched ISO match those given below. Some people are reporting crashes after the Spike logo appears at the very beginning of the game. If you don’t have a PSP screenshot plugin, most of us use FuSa Screenshot, though it has been known to freeze the game on rare occasions. Please provide screenshots along with your typo/bug reports (if possible), and before you post, please check to see if the error has already been mentioned.

Use this page to report typos/errors/bugs in the translation patch. Please support the creators by purchasing the Danganronpa games for the PS Vita. The original contents of the page have been preserved below, but Project Zetsubou will not be providing any further troubleshooting or support for the patch. It has been superseded by NISA’s official release for the PS Vita.